Allocations Policy
Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy
CCTV Policy
Compensation Policy
Complaints Policy
Damp & Mould Policy
Domestic Abuse & VAWG Policy
Electrical Safety Policy
Fire Safety Policy
Gas Safety Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Mobility Scooter Policy
Privacy Policy
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy
Transfer & Decant Policy
Vexatious Complaints Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
WMC & Service Charge Setting Policy
If you are interested in applying for housing, you can see details of each scheme we manage on our Properties page.
Please check your eligibility for each scheme here. If you are eligible for any of our schemes and currently in housing need, please complete this application form and return it by email to info@harrisonhousing.org.uk with copies of the documents which are requested on the form. If you would prefer to be sent a paper form by post, please call 020 7603 4332.
Table of eligibility criteria by almshouse
We already have a long waiting list for St James’ Gardens and would urge you to consider which other schemes you might be eligible for, as this may improve your chances of being offered accommodation by Harrison Housing. We have applications for St James’ Gardens which go back several years.
If you already have a social housing tenancy, please contact us first via info@harrisonhousing.org.uk before making an application as we generally do not accept applications from individuals who have such a tenancy, unless there are extenuating reasons.
If you are an existing Harrison Housing resident who wishes to move to another Harrison Housing owned or managed property, you can check your eligibility by reading the Transfer & Decant Policy above. If you wish to make an application to transfer, please complete the Transfer Form and either take it to your Scheme Manager or return it by email to info@harrisonhousing.org.uk
Transfer Form